Appear on page 1 of Google search Keywords I want appear on page 1 of Google search Google top exposure backlinks

Appear on page 1 of Google search Keywords I want appear on page 1 of Google search Google top exposure backlinks

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Google top exposure backlinks

If you need Google top exposure work, you have come to the right place.
'The basics of Google SEO and Google backlinks'

ot all backlink companies are the same.
MarketerStorm starts with the essentials: technical SEO .
What is SEO? It is a set of guidelines that must be followed when building a website
so that desired keywords are exposed and more traffic is generated.
The standard SEO process for top exposure on Google/Naver
​Improving your site (Google Optimization)

Improve your client site's credibility in Google search engines (SEO)


​Building backlinks (distributing keyword-based inbound links)

Based on the keywords that customers want, we will target other sites or web pages.

SEO marketing work that gets you top exposure by distributing inbound links

Improve your search rankings

Target your keywords when searching on Google by building high-quality backlinks

Producing results that boost search results


Traffic inflow

After satisfying the site improvement and search ranking optimization factors

Improve customer awareness of your site


What is a backlink?

Work to spread word of mouth to make Google and Naver recognize it as a trustworthy and
valuable site.
Backlink is one of the elements of external SEO among the guidelines for website optimization exposure, and it is the work of distributing my site URL and target keywords to web pages and other sites. In other words, to put it simply, it is spreading my target keywords and site widely and spreading rumors.

Then, Google bots collect my URL and target keywords mentioned here and there, judge the suitability of the keyword and site, and at the same time, expose my site at the top of Google or Naver search portals when searching for the target keyword.

The most important thing here is to "work with high-quality backlinks so that the customer's site can remain at the top for a long time and stably."

If my site is exposed at a low rank, external backlink work is an essential task more info that can increase the exposure rank of the customer's keywords.
Apply for backlink
Google top exposure work is essential! What is technical SEO?

The eight most important criteria for search engine optimization for Google search rankings are
essential for website application.
Items to expand contact points with customers by having your website ranked high in keyword searches .
1. URL Structure -

Create a friendly URL structure that makes it easier for search engines and users to understand the page theme.

2. Sitemap.xml -

There are certain rules that allow search engines to easily and accurately understand the structure of web pages.

3. Robots.txt - User-agent: * Allow: /

Recommendations for allowing or restricting search engine crawlers from crawling your site and web pages

4. Canonical Tag -

Consolidate duplicate or similar other pages into one standard (representative) page

5. Title Tag 6. Meta Description

The text that appears as the site title and description on Google's search results pages (SERPs).

7. H Tag - Usually set to H1~H4

Tags that indicate structure and importance to text within a page.

8 - Open Graph Tag

When sharing URLs on SNS and other web pages, the introduction of the post, such as [title], [description], and [image]

Apply for SEO
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
The task of optimizing a website
according to technical standards presented by search portals such as Google and Naver.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for top exposure on Google and Naver refers to the work of improving a website so that it can be easily found on search engines such as Google or Naver. This allows my website to be exposed at the top of customer search results.

The reason for hiring a professional to improve SEO is because it has a great impact on business growth through high traffic (increased click-through rate), increased brand awareness, and sales.

In addition, if SEO is set up well and top exposure on Google or Naver is achieved, separate keyword advertising does not need to be run, so advertising costs can be reduced.

Companies 구글상위노출 are recognizing the importance of SEO and are hiring in-house marketers to carry out strategic work to improve their websites and achieve top exposure.

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